Pierson, Thomas: Vom Vertrag zum StatusDas Dienstvertragsrecht der Frankfurter Dienstbriefe im Alten Reich
The service contract practice of the “Reichsstadt” Frankfurt am Main is the subject of this study on the pre-industrial history of labour law. Using the concept of legal and socio-historical problem history as an analytical and structural instrument, legal, social and economic problem situations in the municipal service are identified, their solutions worked out and systematically developed on the basis of key questions of freedom, equality and social security. The basis are the contractual statements in the service letters (“Dienstbriefe”) of various social groups - such as servants and advocates, officers and craftsmen - on the right of dismissal, the assumption of risk, remuneration, etc. A longitudinal section shows the main lines of development from the 14th century to the end of the Altes Reich. They lead from an unregulated late medieval contractual practice to an increasingly civil servant-like status of Frankfurt city employees in the early modern period.