Heidegger, Martin: Vorläufiges I–IVSchwarze Hefte 1963–1970
Volume 102 of the Complete Edition of Heidegger's works is the last of the "Black Notebooks," the first of which dates from 1931. The last four notebooks, bearing the remarkable title "Vorläufiges" ("Preliminaries"), were written – as far as dates given in the notebooks themselves are concerned – roughly between 1963 and 1970, although it can be assumed that the last entries reach even further into the seventies. Their tone has calmed down and is, as it were, simplified. Whereas in the first notebook one can still find remarks about Günter Grass and Theodor W. Adorno hinting at hurt feelings, all personal polemics disappear in the further course of the reflections. Instead, a surprising preoccupation with "cybernetics," "industrial society," and even the "computer" emerges. The penultimate entry of the notebooks, written in a handwriting that is difficult to decipher, defines "thinking" as "an inaudible conversation with the escaped gods.