Ocio y ociosidad en el siglo XVIII español e italiano /Ozio e oziosità nel Settecento italiano e spagnolo
The tense relationship between leisure and idleness (Ocio/ociosidad or Ozio/oziosità) became an important object of socio-economic, political and aesthetic reflection in Italy and Spain in the 18th century. In the self-descriptions of the two Southern European cultural spaces, which, while having a lot in common, also differ in some respects, the pair of concepts forms a discursive and imaginative crystallization point which serves to render processes of destabilization of conventional patterns of order and accelerated cultural change comprehensible. To the extent that the traditional semantics of leisure and its devaluing complement, idleness, lose normative power, the respective time and behavioral dispositives also change: in the ambivalences inherent in the concept of leisure, the ambivalences of the dawning modernity in Italy and Spain become recognizable.