Werle, Dirk: 'Barocke' Lyrik lesen2019. 160 Seiten. Kt 18,80 €
"Klug, interessant, verständlich geschrieben und kenntnisreich." "Es ist ein besonderes Verdienst dieses schmalen Büchleins, nicht einfach ein historisches Spezialgebiet der deutschen Lyrik-Geschichte zu erhellen, sondern auch immer wieder den Dialog mit einer theoretisch fundierten, systematischen Lyrikologie zu suchen. [...] So ist Werles Buch tatsächlich geeignet, den Blick seiner Leser frei zu machen von den vielen modernen "common places" und Vorurteilen über 'barocke' Lyrik. [...] Studierenden und neugierig gebliebenen Lehrkräften ohne jede Einschränkung empfohlen." How should one go about reading German 17th century poetry? Dirk Werle answers this question on the basis of a consistently historical understanding of both genre and epoch. In the seventeenth century, “poetry” had a decidedly different meaning from what we take it to be today, and there was no such thing as our term “Baroque”. For each of the chapter's introductory analyses, from which more general considerations and points of view are developed, poems have been selected that do not appear in relevant anthologies and therefore allow unbiased access to a fascinating field of literary history. The Author shows that 17th century poetry is characterized by a poetics of repetition, based on an affinity to music and the principle of convivial play. It is a form of pop literature that does not directly refer to reality, but creates a poetic world all its own. To grasp this phenomenon, a “hermeneutics of simplicity” is called for, which is introduced and explained in this book.