Röthel, Anne: Körperliche SelbstbestimmungDogmen, Diskurse, Deutungen
Anne Röthel ist Direktorin am Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg Physical self-determination is a human right. Nevertheless, physical self-determination has never been an equal right for all people, but a right with gradations. To this day, physical self-determination is a different right for children and people in care than for "normal" adults. Anne Röthel explains how the dogmas, discourses and interpretations of the physical self-determination of patients, children, incapacitated persons and those in care have developed since the beginning of the 20th century. The focus is on commonalities and patterns with regard to actors, triggers and arguments. Her studies shed light on the basis of which doctors' decision-making prerogatives were derived, why a parental right of chastisement seemed right for a long time, why adolescents need their parents' consent for medical decisions and how the legality of coercive treatment is determined. It also serves to show that every legal concept of physical self-determination eventually leads to a dilemma.