Lee, Eun-Jeung: Korea und der Konfuzianismus2022. 192 Seiten. Kt 58,00 €
Korea plays a special role in the intellectual history of East Asia. Ever since the earliest times in their history, the states on the Korean peninsula have absorbed Chinese culture as well as other intellectual influences – e.g. Buddhism and, since the 18th century, Christian teachings – and developed independent interpretations of these doctrines. At the forefront of the various ideological currents was Confucianism, both as a state doctrine and as an everyday ethical system for Korean society as a whole. Despite all the transformations brought about by Korea's modernization over the past hundred years, Confucianism still plays an important role in Korea as well as in the current renaissance of Confucian doctrine in East Asia. This book traces the historical development of Confucianism on the Korean peninsula, describes its political instrumentalizations, and shows the diversity of its manifestations in Korea's past and present.