Heidegger, Martin: Frühe Schriften (1912–1916)Hrsg. von Friedrich-Wilhelm v. Herrmann
This volume combines the three most important writings by Heidegger before the publication of Sein und Zeit: the dissertation Die Lehre vom Urteil im Psychologismus (1914), the habilitation thesis Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (1916) and the habilitation lecture Der Zeitbegriff in der Geschichtswissenschaft (1916). In an extensive foreword, Heidegger gives a cautious self-interpretation of his early efforts, in addition to a series of revealing autobiographical references. Most prominent among the problems Heidegger already reflected upon in these early writings (later to be reformulated and answered from the philosophical perspective taken in Sein und Zeit) are the problem of categories (problem of being), the problem of meaning (language problem), and, already at this early stage, the problem of time and historicity.