Recht als Kultur? Beiträge zu Max Webers Soziologie des RechtsHrsg. von Werner Gephart und Daniel Witte
Much has already been said and written about the part of Max Weber’s Wirtschaft und Gesllschaft that has become known as "legal sociology". However, the edition of the texts in the context of the historical-critical Gesamtausgabe, which is now available, and the insights gained in the editing work give cause to question established interpretations as well as to put new interpretations of these multi-layered texts up for debate. Thus, these texts already contain approaches to a pluralism of normative orders, and Weber also emphasizes the cultural dimension as a difference in the legal systems in a way that still seems significant for observations of contemporary societies and their images of identity. This volume brings together contributions that have been written against this background and in the course of a renewed examination of Weber's writings on law.